Saturday, February 16, 2008

2nd class passenger list

Abelson, Mr. Samson
*Abelson, Mrs. Hanna
Aldworth, Mr. C.
Andrew, Mr. Edgar
Andrew, Mr. Frank
Angle, Mr. William
*Angle, Mrs.
Ashby, Mr. John
Baily, Mr. Percy
Baimbridge, Mr. Chas. R.
*Balls, Mrs. Ada E.
Banfield, Mr. Frederick J.
Bateman, Mr. Robert J.
*Beane, Mr. Edward
*Beane, Mrs. Ethel
Beauchamp, Mr. H. J.
*Beesley, Mr. Lawrence
*Bentham, Miss Lilian W.
Berk, Mr. Pickard (Cabin F-10)
Berriman, Mr. William
Botsford, Mr. W. Hull
Bowenur, Mr. Solomon
Bracken, Mr. Jas. H.
Brito, Mr. Jose de
*Brown, Miss Edith
*Brown, Miss Mildred
Brown, Mr. S.
Brown, Mrs.
Bryhl, Mr. Curt
*Bryhl, Miss Dagmar
*Buss, Miss Kate
Butler, Mr. Reginald
Byles, Rev.nomas R. D.
*Bystrom, Miss Karolina
*Caldwell, Mr. Albert F.
*Caldwell, Mrs. Sylvia
*Caldwell, Master Alden G.
*Cameron, Miss Clear
Carbines, Mr. William
Carter, Rev. Ernest C.
Carter, Mrs. Lillian
Chapman, Mr. John H.
Chapman, Mrs. Elizabeth
Chapman, Mr. Charles
*Christy, Mrs. Alice
*Christy, Miss Juli
Clarke, Mr. Charles V.
*Clarke, Mrs. Ada Maria
Coleridge, Mr. R. C.
Collander, Mr. Erik
*Collett, Mr. Stuart
Collyer, Mr. Harvey
*Collyer, Mrs. Charlotte
*Collyer, Miss Marjorie
Corbett, Mrs. Irene
Corey, Mrs. C. P.
Cotterill, Mr. Harry
Davies, Mr. Charles
*Davis, Mrs. Agnes
*Davis, Master John M.
*Davis, Miss Mary
Deacon, Mr. Percy
del Carlo, Mr. Sebastian
del Carlo, Mrs.
Denbou, Mr. Herbert
Dibden, Mr. William
*Doling, Mrs. Ada
*Doling, Miss Elsie
Downton, Mr. William J.
*Drachstedt, Baron von
Drew, Mr. James V.
*Drew, Mrs. Lulu
*Drew, Master Marshall
*Duran, Miss Florentina
*Duran, Miss Asimcion
Eitemiller, Mr. G. F.
Enander, Mr. Ingvar
Fahlstrom Mr. Arne J.
Faunthorpe, Mr. Harry
*Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie
Fillbrook, Mr. Charles
Fox, Mr. Stanley H.
Funk, Miss Annie
Fynney, Mr. Jos.
Gale, Mr. Harry
Gale, Mr. Shadrach
*Garside, Miss Ethel
Gaskell, Mr. Alfred
Gavey, Mr. Lawrence
Gilbert, Mr. William
Giles, Mr. Edgar
Giles, Mr. Fred
Giles, Mr. Ralph
Gill, Mr. John
Gillespie, Mr. William
Givard, Mr. Hans K.
Greenberg, Mr. Samuel
Hale, Mr. Reginald
*Hamalainer, Mrs. Anna and *Infant
Harbeck, Mr. Wm. H.
Harper, Mr. John
*Harper, Miss Nina
*Harris, Mr. George
Harris, Mr. Walter
Hart, Mr. Benjamin
*Hart, Mrs. Esther
*Hart, Miss Eva
*Herman, Miss Alice
*Herman, Mrs. Jane
*Herman, Miss Kate
Herman, Mr. Samuel
*Hewlett, Mrs. Mary D.
Hickman, Mr. Leonard
Hickman, Mr. Lewis
Hickman, Mr. Stanley
Hiltunen, Miss Martha
Hocking, Mr. George
*Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth
*Hocking, Miss Nellie
Hocking, Mr. Samuel J.
Hodges, Mr. Henry P.
Hoffman, Mr. and *two children (Loto and Louis)
*Hold, Mrs. Annie
Hold, Mr. Stephen
Hood, Mr. Ambrose
*Hosono, Mr. Masabumi
Howard, Mr. Benjamin
Howard, Mrs. Ellen T.
Hunt, Mr. George
*Ilett, Miss Bertha
*Jacobsohn, Mrs. Amy P.
Jacobsohn Mr. Sidney S.
Jarvis, Mr. John D.
Jefferys, Mr. Clifford
Jefferys, Mr. Ernest
Jenkin, Mr. Stephen
*Jervan, Mrs. A. T.
*Kantor, Mrs. Miriam
Kantor, Mr. Sehua
Karnes, Mrs. J. F.
Keane, Mr. Daniel
*Keane, Miss Nora A. (Cabin E-101)
*Kelly, Mrs. F.
Kirkland, Rev. Charles L
Kvillner, Mr. John Henrik
*Lahtinen, Mrs. Anna
Lahtinen, Mr. William
Lamb, Mr. J. J.
*Lamore, Mrs. Ameliar
Laroche, Mr. Joseph
*Laroche, Mrs. Juliet
*Laroche, Miss Louise
*Laroche, Miss Simonne
*Lehman, Miss Bertha
*Leitch, Miss Jessie
Levy, Mr. R. J.
Leyson, Mr. Robert W. N.
Lingan, Mr. John
Louch, Mr. Charles
*Louch, Mrs. Alice Adela
Mack, Mrs. Mary
Malachard, Mr. Noel
Mallet, Mr. A.
*Mallet, Mrs.
*Mallet, Master A.
Mangiavacchi, Mr. Emilio
Mantvila, Mr. Joseph
Marshall, Mr.
*Marshall, Mrs. Kate
Matthews, Mr. W. J.
Maybery, Mr. Frank H.
McCrae, Mr. Arthur G.
McCrie, Mr. James
McKane, Mr. Peter D.
*Mellers, Mr. William
*Mellinger, Mrs. Elizabeth and *Child
Meyer, Mr. August
Milling, Mr. Jacob C.
Mitchell, Mr. Henry
*Moor, Mrs. Bella (Cabin E-121)
*Moor, Master Meier (Cabin E-121)
Morawick, Dr. Ernest
Mudd, Mr. Thomas C.
Myles, Mr. Thomas F.
Nasser, Mr. Nicolas
*Nasser, Mrs.
Navratil, Mr. Michel (Cabin F-2)
*Navratil, Master Michel Marcel (Cabin F-2)
*Navratil, Master Edmond Roger (Cabin F-2)
Nesson, Mr. Israel
Nicholls, Mr. Joseph C.
Norman, Mr. Robert D.
*Nye, Mrs. Elizabeth (Cabin F-33)
Otter, Mr. Richard
*Oxenham, Mr. P. Thomas
*Padro, Mr. Julian
Pain, Dr. Alfred
*Pallas, Mr. Emilio
Parker, Mr. Clifford R.
*Parrish, Mrs. L Davis
Pengelly, Mr. Frederick
Pernot, Mr. Rene
Peruschitz, Rev. Jos. M.
Phillips, Mr. Robert
*Phillips, Miss Alice
*Pinsky, Miss Rosa
Ponesell, Mr. Martin
*Portaluppi, Mr. Emilio
Pulbaun, Mr. Frank
*Quick, Mrs. Jane
*Quick, Miss Vera W.
*Quick, Miss Phyllis
Reeves, Mr. David
Renouf, Mr. Peter H.
*Renouf, Miss Lillie
*Reynolds, Miss E.
Richard, Mr. Emile
*Richards, Mrs. Emily
*Richards, Master William
*Richards, Master George
*Ridsdale, Miss Lucy
Rogers, Mr. Harry
*Rogers, Miss Selina
*Rugg, Miss Emily
Sedgwick, Mr. C. F. W.
Sharp, Mr. Percival
*Shelley, Mrs. Imanita
*Silven, Miss Lyyli
*Sincook, Miss Maude
*Sinkkenen, Miss Anna
Sjostedt, Mr. Ernest A.
*Slayter, Miss H. M.
Slemen, Mr. Richard J.
Smith, Mr. Augustus
*Smith, Miss Marion
Sobey, Mr. Hayden
Stanton, Mr. S. Ward
Stokes, Mr. Phillip J.
Swane, Mr. George
Sweet, Mr. George
Tobin, Mr. Roger (Cabin F-38)
*Toomey, Miss Ellen
*Trant, Miss Jessie
Tronpiansky, Mr. Moses A.
*Troutt, Miss Edwina Celia (Cabin E-101)
Tupin, M. Dorothy
Turpin, Mr. William J.
Veale, Mr. James
*Walcroft, Miss Nellie
*Ware, Mrs. Florence L
Ware, Mr. John James
Ware, Mr. William J.
*Watt, Miss Bertha
*Watt, Mrs. Bessie
*Webber, Miss Susan (Cabin E-101)
Weisz, Mr. Leopold
*Weisz, Mrs. Matilda
*Wells, Mrs. Addie
*Wells, Miss J.
*Wells, Master Ralph
West, Mr. E. Arthur
*West, Mrs. Ada
*West, Miss Barbara
*West, Miss Constance
Wheadon, Mr. Edward
Wheeler, Mr. Edwin

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