Friday, February 8, 2008

Family of 8

Sydney's grave

Augusta Goodwin was an electrical engineer in Southampton, England and a Presbyterian deacon.

The oldest was Lillian whom was born in 1894?. Next came Charles in 1892?, then William in 1901? and Jessie in 1902? then Harold in 1903? and finally Sidney in 1910?.

The family was in a very small house of around 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, but they loved each other.

Mr. Goodwin decided to start a new life in America so he bought a house in Niagara Falls, New York. They were going to take the Oceanic but because of the coal strike, they were transferred to the TITANIC as 3rd class passengers. They loved exploring the ship and singing. The sinking must have been horrific because they had to keep up with each other and go through mazes just to find the boat deck. They came up just when the last boat left. All 8 died and only 19 month old Sidney's body was recovered.

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