(Not much is known about Herbert Jupe however I thought that this great and heart-felt letter should be put on my blog.)
Herbert Jupe was born in Southampton and served as apprentice on a train station where he learned how to become an electrician. He was then employed as engineer on another train. And then, he worked at a storage place. Finally, he went to sea on the Majestic, Olympic, then finally, the TITANIC. He served as assistant-electrical engineer. He died in the disaster and his body was recovered as #73. His father upon hearing the news sent this letter to the White Star Line:
Dear Sir,
I have been informed by Mr F. Blake Superintendent Engineer of the White Star line,Trafalgar Chambers on the 10th that the body of my Beloved Son Herbert Jupe which was the Electrical Engineer No. 3 on the Ill Fatted Titanic has been recovered and Buried at Sea by the Cable Steamer "Mackay-Bennett" and that his Silver Watch and Handkerchief marked H.J. is in your possession. he bought him half of the same when he was at Belfast with the R.M.S. Olympic to have a new blade put to one of Her Propellors. We are extremely obliged for all your kindness to my Precious Boy. He was not Married and was the Love of our Hearts and he Loved his Home. But God gave and God has taken him. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. He has left an aceing Void in our Home which cannot be filled. Please send along the Watch and Handkerchief marked H.J.
Yours truly
His mother is 72 last April 4th. His Father is 68 Last Feb. 9th.
wow, omg my Nan says I'm related to this guy, he was her great-great uncle...