Collapsible B was one of the lifeboats on the TITANIC that was not supposed to be there. It was one of the four collapsibles that were located on the roof. There was two next to the forward funnel, and two next to the dummy funnel. The Board of Trade Regulations required the maximum of 20 lifeboats for a 10,000 ton steamed. Those rules were made however, when a 10,000 ton steamer was the largest ship afloat. But, the TITANIC was 46,328 tons. Lord Pierre the owner of the company that built her added 4 collapsible lifeboats to put the passenger's minds to ease a little bit.
When the TITANIC sank, they lowered all the lifeboats including collapsibles C and D which were near the stern. 2nd officer Lightoller was in charge of lowering Collapsible B and with the water coming nearer, he was in a hurry. They took oars and used them as a ramp. The lifeboat slid down the oars and in the process, flipped over. But, it was too late to do anything. The icy cold water came up and carried the lifeboat still upside-down off the ship. There, Harold Bride the junior wireless operator found himself clutching an oarlock and there, he found an air-pocket. There, men scrambled on the bottom of the overturned collapsible. They were in disarray and panic until 2nd officer Lightoller took over and kept them in an orderly manner and calm. A short time later, Harold Bride came to the surface but was forced to sit on the edge where his feet were dangling from the water. After a couple of hours, a lone figure appeared. It was Chief Baker Charles Joughin of whom was drunk which enabled him not to feel the cold. However, there was no room so he had to wait. Soon, one man died of exposure and Charles was allowed on. Eventually, the 27 men on Collapsible B were allowed access on Boat No.14 and Collapsible B was abandoned. Soon, Collapsible B was found a few weeks later by the Mackay Bennett. Collapsible B like all the other lifeboats, disappeared from all records.
Here is a list of those known to have been on Collapsible B:
Charles Lightoller
Harold Bride
Jack Phillips
Archibald Gracie
Charles Joughin
Patrick Daly
Arthur Dorking
Fredrick Allen
Algernon Barkworth
Isaac Maynard
Victor Sunderland
Albert Moss
William Mellors
Patrick O'Keefe
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