In late 2012, another fantastic book by Titanic historian George Behe was published called "On Board R.M.S. Titanic: Memories of the Maiden Voyage." The book is a collection of letters and postcards by passengers and crew written before and after the sinking of the Titanic, describing their experiences and feelings. The letters have been preserved as best as he could, even with the spelling and grammatical errors. At the end, we can see photographs of some of the people that wrote the letters in the book and photographs of the ship itself. Many of the photographs are from George Behe's own collection.
I cannot praise this book enough. It is a fabulous and in fact one of the best ways to know exactly what it was like to be on board the Titanic and then see her sink. You get to read as the passengers go on and on about their experiences and their wonder at this fantastic new ship. Then, you get to read letters afterwards as they give their chilling accounts about Titanic's last moments. The many of the letters are for the rare and some had never been published before. Some were even written in other languages and then translated. One thing I love about it is that because all the letters were copied exactly, you get truth and inaccuracies mixed in and George leaves it up to you to decide what's true and what's not. The spirit is virtually the same though, as they recall their wonder and horror as they experience the great liner's maiden voyage and death. It is definitely a treasure and deserves to be a staple in any Titaniac's collection.
If you wish to purchase the book, you may get it from the following links:
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