Monday, July 28, 2008

Know Your Stuff! 3

1. Who is the most famous TITANIC artist today in "The TITANIC Artist"?

A. Robert Ballard

B. Ken Marshall

C. Jean Lafitte

2. The TITANIC's dome broke like in the movie in "Wrong Ideas"?

A. True

B. False

3. Why did the TITANIC fire rockets in "Distress Rockets"?

A. For a party

B. To alert other ships of the ice

C. To alert other ships that they were sinking.

4. In the "Veranda Cafe", who made friends on the night of the sinking?

A. Mrs. Churchill Candee and Archibald Gracie

B. Jack Thayer and Milton Long

C. Mr. Widener and Mr. Strauss

5. In "It Happened in 1912", which of these actually did happen in 1912?

A. Taft becomes president

B. Lincoln is shot

3. Teddy Roosevelt becomes president

6. In "Jock Hume", who was the band-leader?

A. Jock Hume

B. Wallace Hartley

C. Thomas Andrews

7. In "A Communication from across the Sea", what was the name of the prayer in Mrs. Gracie's prayer book that she used that night?

A. For those at Sea

B. Nearer my God to Thee

C. He gave his life for a friend

TITANIC vs. Olympic

The TITANIC and Olympic were almost identical and some photographs of the TITANIC are actually the Olympic which was TITANIC's sister-ship.

1. One difference is the A-Deck. On the Olympic, A-Deck was all open. On the TITANIC, A-Deck was half enclosed and half open.

2. This may not be distinguishable from photographs, but the TITANIC was larger than the Olympic.

3. Most interiors are the same but one of the things that the TITANIC had that the Olympic didn't was a Reading and Writing Room.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What would have happened?

Here is what might have happened if the TITANIC had not sunk:

The TITANIC would have gone into military service during WWI and would have either become a troop ship (like the Olympic) or had her fittings taken out and become a hospital ship (like the Britannic). After the war, she would resume as a passenger ship. She would have been scrapped after the Cunard merged with the White Star Line.

Joseph Bruce Ismay
Ismay would have been chairman until he retired at an old age. He died in 1937.

Thomas Andrews
Andrews would have gone on as chief designer for the White Star Line and would have become chairman of the Harland and Wolff ship-yards after his uncle Lord Pierrie died.

Captain Edward John Smith
Smith would have finished his career and retired after the TITANIC's maiden voyage.

1st officer William Murdoch
Murdoch would have soon been Captain of some other ship and had a nice career such as Capt. Smith.

Jack Phillips
Phillips would have gone into service during WWI on one of the Royal Naval Ships as wireless operator. He would have more than likely spent the rest of his days in Ireland.

The White Star Line
White Star would have not lost regular travelers that usually booked passage on the White Star Line ships. They would have probably gone out of business anyway.

The Steerage/3rd class would have left the ship in the New World and many would have prospered.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Communication Across the Sea

In Archibald Gracie's account of the sinking called "The Truth about the TITANIC", He said something very interesting. He was in the water and he thought he was about to die. He was praying for his wife and his family. His wife Mrs. Gracie was staying at her sister's house in New York awaiting his return. Here is what Mrs. Gracie said about what was happening to her while the ship was sinking:

"I was in my room at my sister's house, where I was visiting, in New York. After retiring, being unable to rest I questioned myself several times over, wondering what it was that prevented the customary long and peaceful slumber, lately enjoyed. 'What is the matter?' I uttered. A voice seemed to reply seemed to say, 'On your knees and pray.' Instantly, I literally obeyed with my prayer book in my hand, which by chance opened at the prayer 'For those at Sea.' The thought then flashed through my mind, 'Archie is praying for me.' I continued wide awake until a little before 5 o'clock a.m., by the watch that lay beside me. About 7 a.m. I dozed a while and then got up to dress for breakfast. At 8 o'clock my sister, Mrs. Dalliba Dutton, came softly to the door, newspaper in hand, to gently break the tragic news that the TITANIC had sunk, and showed me the list of only twenty names saved headed with Colonel Archibald Butt (of whom actually died); but my husband's name was not included. My head sank in her protective arms as I murmured helplessly, 'He is all I have in the whole world.' I could only pray for strength, and later in the day, believing myself a widow, I wrote to my daughter, who was in the care of out housekeeper and servants in out Washington home, 'Cannot you see your father in his tenderness for women and children, helping them all, and then going down with the ship? If he has gone, I will not live long, but I would not have him take a boat'."

Mrs. Gracie later met him when he was coming off the rescue ship Carpathia. He indeed helped women and children into the boats and never entered a lifeboat. He was swept off a ship and was nearly drowned. He later scrambled onto Collapsible B. There he stayed until he was picked up.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Men and Women who Died in this Tragedy

Abbing, Anthony
Abbott, E.
Abbott, Eugene Joseph
Abbott, Rossmore Edward
Abelson, Samuel
Abraham, C.
Ådahl, Mauritz Nils Martin
Adams, John
Adams, R.
Ahier, Percy
Ahlin, Johanna Persdotter Larsson
Ahmed, Ali
Akerman, Joseph
Akermann, Albert
Aldworth, Charles Augustus
Alexander, William
Alhomäki, Ilmari Rudolf
Ali, William
Allan, R.
Allaria, Battista Antonio (Baptiste)
Allen, Fred
Allen, G.
Allen, Henry
Allen, William Henry
Allison, Bessie Waldo Daniels
Allison, Helen Lorraine
Allison, Hudson Joshua Creighton
Allsop, F.
Allum, Owen George
Alsopp, Alfred Samuel
Andersen, Albert Karvin
Andersen, Thor Olsvigen
Anderson, Walter Y.
Andersson, Alfrida Konstantia Brogren
Andersson, Anders Johan
Andersson, Ebba Iris Alfrida
Andersson, Ellis Anna Maria
Andersson, Ida Augusta Margareta
Andersson, Ingeborg Constancia
Andersson, Johan Samuel
Andersson, Sigrid Elisabeth
Andersson, Sigvard Harald Elias
Andreasson, Paul Edvin
Andrew, Edgar Samuel
Andrew, Frank
Andrews, Thomas, jr
Angheloff, Minko
Angle, William A.
Arnold, Josef
Arnold, Josephine Frank
Aronsson, Ernst Axel Algot
Artagaveytia, Ramon
Ashby, John
Ashcroft, A.
Ashe, H.W.
Asim, Adola
Asperlach, Georges
Asplund, Carl Edgar
Asplund, Carl Oscar Vilhelm Gustafsson
Asplund, Clarence Gustaf Hugo
Asplund, Filip Oscar
Assaf, Gerios
Assam, Ali
Astor, John Jacob
Attala (Kalil), Solomon
Attalah, Malaka
Augustsson, Albert
Ayling, E.
Baccos, Rafoul
Back, C.
Backström, Karl Alfred
Badt, Mohamed
Bagley, E.
Bailey, G.
Bailey, G. W.
Bailey, Percy Andrew
Baimbrigge, Charles R.
Baines, Rich
Balkic, Cerin
Bamfi, Ugo
Banfield, Frederick J.
Bannon, John
Barbara, Catherine
Barbara, Saude
Barker, A.
Barker, Ernest T.
Barker, Reginald Lomond
Barker, T.
Barlow, C.
Barlow, George
Barnes, Charles "Chas"
Barnes, Frederick
Barnes, J.
Barrett, A.
Barrett, F. W.
Barringer, Arthur William
Barrow, Charles
Barrows, William
Barry, Julia
Barton, David
Barton, S. J.
Basilico, Giovanno
Bateman, Robert James
Baumann, John D.
Baxter, F.
Baxter, H. R.
Baxter, Quigg Edmond
Bazzi, Narciso
Beattie, F.
Beattie, Thomson
Beauchamp, Henry James
Beavan, William Thomas
Bedford, William Barnet
Beedman, George
Beere, William
Bell, Joseph
Bendell, T.
Bengtsson, John Viktor
Benham, Frederick
Bennett, George
Benville, E.
Berglund, Karl Ivar Sven
Bernardi, Baptiste
Berriman, William S.
Bertoldo, Fioravante Giuseppe
Bessant, E.
Bessant, W.
Best, E.
Betros, Tannous
Beux, David
Bevis, J.
Biddlecombe, C.
Bietrix, G.
Biggs, E.
Billows, J.
Birkeland, Hans
Birnbaum, Jakob
Bishop, Walter
Bjorklund, Ernst Herbert
Black, A.
Black, D.
Blackman, H.
Blackwell, Stephen Weart
Blake, Seaton
Blake, T.
Blancy, J.
Blann, Eustace
Blumet, Jean Baptiste
Bochet, Pietro Giuseppe
Bochetez, J.
Bogie, L. N.
Bolhuis, Hendrik
Bond, William John
Boothby, W.
Borebank, John James
Bostandyeff, Guentcho
Boston, W.
Botsford, William Hull
Bott, W.
Boughton, E.
Boulos, Akar
Boulos, Hanna
Boulos, Joseph (Sultana)
Boulos, Laura
Bourke, Catherine
Bourke, John
Bourke, Mary
Bowen, David
Bowenur, Solomon
Boyd, John
Boyes, H.
Bracken, James H.
Bradley, F.
Bradley, P.
Bradshaw, J.
Brady, John Bertram
Braf, Elin Ester Maria
Brahim, Youssef
Brailey, W. Theodore
Brandeis, Emil
Braund, Lewis Richard
Braund, Owen Harris
Brewe, Arthur Jackson
Brewer, H.
Brewster, G. H.
Bricoux, Roger
Bristow, Robert C.
Bristowe, H.
Brobeck, Karl Rudolf
Brocklebank, William Alfred
Brookman, J.
Brooks, J.
Broom, H.
Broome, Athol
Brown, J.
Brown, Mr J.
Brown, Thomas William Solomon
Brown, W.
Bryhl, Kurt Arnold Gottfrid
Buckley, H.
Buckley, Katherine
Bull, W.
Bulley, H. A.
Bunmell, F.
Burke, Jeremiah
Burns, Mary Delia
Burr, Ewart Sydenham
Burroughs, A.
Burton, Edward John
Butler, Reginald Fenton
Butt, Archibald Willingham
Butt, Robert
Butt, W.
Butterworth, J.
Byles, Thomas Roussel David
Byrne, J. E.
Cacic, Grego
Cacic, Luka
Cacic, Manda
Cacic, Maria
Calderwood, H.
Calic, Peter
Camner, J.
Campbell, Donald S.
Campbell, William
Canavan, Mary
Canavan, Patrick
Cann, Ernest
Caram (Kareem), Joseph
Caram (Kareem), Maria Elias
Carbines, William
Carlsson, August Sigfrid
Carlsson, Carl Robert
Carlsson, Frans Olof
Carlsson, Frans Olof
Carlsson, Julius
Carney, William
Carr, Jeannie
Carr, Richard Stephen
Carrau, Francisco M.
Carrau, Jose Pedro
Carter, Ernest Courtenay
Carter, James
Carter, Lilian Hughes
Cartwright, James Edward
Carver, Alfred John
Casali, Giulio
Case, Howard Brown
Casey, T.
Casswill, Charles
Castleman, Edward
Caunt, W.
Cave, Herbert
Cavendish, Tyrell William
Cecil, C.
Celotti, Francesco
Chaffee, Herbert Fuller
Chapman, Charles Henry
Chapman, Elizabeth Lawry
Chapman, John Henry
Charboison, A.
Charman, John
Charters, David
Chebab, Emir Farres
Cherrett, William Victor
Cheverton, W. F.
Chisholm, Roderick Robert
Chisnall, G.A.
Chitty, Archibald George
Chitty, G.
Chorley, J.
Christmann, Emil
Christmas, H.
Chronopoulos, Apostolos
Chronopoulos, Demetrios
Clark, T.
Clark, Walter Miller
Clarke, Charles V.
Clarke, John Frederick Preston
Clench, George
Clifford, George Quincy
Coe, H.
Coelho, Domingos Fernandes
Colbert, Patrick
Coleff, Fotio
Coleff, Peyo
Coleman, Albert Edward
Coleman, John
Coleridge, Reginald Charles
Collander, Erik Gustaf
Colley, Edward Pomeroy
Collyer, Harvey
Compton, Alexander Taylor jr
Conlin, Thomas Henry
Connaghton, Michael
Connolly, Kate
Connors, Patrick
Conway, P. W.
Cook, George
Cook, Jacob
Coombs, C.
Cooper, H.
Cooper, James
Copperthwaite, B.
Cor, Bartol
Cor, Ivan
Cor, Ludovik
Corben, E. T.
Corbett, Walter H.
Corcoran, D.
Corey, Percy C.
Corn, Harry
Cornaire, M.
Cotterill, Harry
Cotton, A.
Couch, Frank
Couch, J.
Coutin, Auguste Louis
Cox, William Denton
Coxon, Daniel
Coy, F.E.G.
Crabb, H.
Crafton, John Bertram
Crease, Ernest James
Creese, Henry Philip
Cribb, John Hatfield
Crisp, Albert Hector
Crispin, William
Crosbie, J. B.
Crosby, Edward Gifford
Cross, W.
Crovella, Luigi (Louis)
Crumplin, C.
Cumings, John Bradley
Cunningham, Alfred Fleming
Cunningham, B.
Curtis, A.
Dahlberg, Gerda Ulrika
Dakic, Branko
Danbom, Anna Sigrid Maria Brogren
Danbom, Ernst Gilbert
Danbom, Gilbert Sigvard Emanuel
Danoff, Yoto
Dantchoff, Khristo
Dashwood, William G.
Davidson, Thornton
Davies, Alfred
Davies, Charles Henry
Davies, Evan
Davies, Gordon
Davies, J.
Davies, John
Davies, Joseph
Davies, R. J.
Davies, T.
Davis, Stephen J.
Davison, Thomas Henry
Dawson, James
De Breucq, M.
de Brito, Jose Joaquim
De Marsico, Gianni
Deacon, Percy
Dean, Bertram
Dean, G. H.
Deeble, A.
del Carlo, Sebastiano
Delalic, Regyo
Denbury, Herbert
Denkoff, Mito
Dennarsico, Mr.
Dennis, Samuel
Dennis, William
Derrett, A.
Deslands, Percival Stainer

Desvernini, L.
Dewan, Frank
Dibden, William
Dibo, Elias
Dickson, W.
Dimic, Jovan
Dineage, James Richard
Dintcheff, Valtcho
Dodd, E.C.
Dodd, George Charles
Dodds, H.W. "Renny"
Doharr, Tannous
Dolby, J.
Donati, Italo Francesco
Donoghue, F.
Dooley, Patrick
Dornier, S.
Doughty, W.
Douglas, Walter Donald
Downton, William James
Doyle, Elizabeth
Doyle, Lawrence.
Drazonovic, Josef
Drew, James Vivian
Duffy, William
Dulles, William Crothers
Dunford, W.
Dyer, Henry Ryland
Dyer, William
Dyker, Adolf Fredrik
Eagle, A. J.
Eastman, Charles
Econovic, Joso
Edbroke, F.
Ede, G. B.
Edge, F. W.
Edvardsson, Gustaf Hjalmar
Edwards, C.
Egg, W. H.
Eitemiller, George Floyd
Eklund, Hans Linus
Ekström, Johan
Elias, Joseph
Elias, Joseph jr.
Elias, Tannous
Elliott, Everett Edward
Elsbury, James
Emmeth, Thomas
Enander, Ingvar
Ennis, W.
Ervine, Albert George
Evans, Edith Corse
Evans, George
Evans, George
Evans, William
Everett, Thomas James
Fahlstrøm, Arne Jonas
Fairall, H.
Fanette, M.
Farquharson, William Edward
Farrell, James
Farrendon, E.
Farthing, John
Faunthorpe, Harry
Fay, Thomas
Fei, Carlo
Fellows, A.
Feltham, G.
Fenton, F.
Ferrary Auto
Ferris, W.
Fillbrook, Charles
Finch, H.
Fisher, Eberhard Thelander
Fitzpatrick, H.
Fletcher, P. W.
Flynn, James
Flynn, John
Foley, Joseph
Foley, William
Ford, Arthur
Ford, Doolina Margaret
Ford, E.
Ford, Edward Watson
Ford, F.
Ford, H.
Ford, Maggie
Ford, Margaret Ann
Ford, Neil Watson
Ford, Thomas
Foreman, Benjamin Laventall
Fortune, Charles Alexander
Fortune, Mark
Foster, A.
Fox, Patrick
Fox, Stanley H.
Fox, W. T.
Frankin, Alan Vincent
Franklin, Charles
Franklin, Thomas Parham
Fraser, J.
Fraser, James
Freeman, Ernest Edward Samuel
Frost, Anthony "Archie" W.
Fry, Richard
Funk, Annie C.
Futrelle, Jacques
Fynney, Joseph J.
Gale, Harry
Gale, Shadrach
Gallagher, Martin
Gardner, F.
Garfirth, John
Gaskell, Alfred
Gatti, L.
Gavey, Lawrence
Geddes, Richard Charles
Gee, Arthur H.
Geer, A.
Giglio, Victor
Gilardino, V.
Gilbert, William
Giles, Edgar
Giles, Frederick
Giles, J.
Giles, Ralph
Gilinski, Leslie
Gill, John W.
Gill, Joseph Stanley
Gill, P.
Gillespie, William
Givard, Hans Kristensen
Golder, M. W.
Goldschmidt, George B.
Goldsmith Nathan
Goldsmith, Frank John
Gollop, C.
Goncalves, Manuel Estanslas
Goodwin, Augusta
Goodwin, Charles E.
Goodwin, Frederick
Goodwin, Harold V.
Goodwin, Jessie A.
Goodwin, Lillian A.
Goodwin, Sidney L.
Goodwin, William F.
Gordon, J.
Goree, Frank
Goshawk, Arthur James
Gosling, Bertram James
Gosling, S.
Graham, George Edward
Graves, S.
Green, G.
Green, George
Greenberg, Samuel
Gregory, David
Grodidge, E.
Grønnestad, Daniel Danielsen
Gros, Claude G.
Guest, Robert
Guggenheim, Benjamin
Gumery, George
Gunn, J. A.
Gustafsson, Alfred Ossian
Gustafsson, Anders Vilhelm
Gustafsson, Johan Birger
Gustafsson, Karl Gideon
Gwinn, William Logan
Haas, Aloisia
Hagardon, Kate
Hagland, Ingvald Olsen
Hagland, Konrad Mathias Reiersen
Hakkarainen, Pekka Pietari
Hale, Reginald
Hall, F.
Hall, J.
Hallett, George.
Hamblyn, Ernest William
Hamilton, E.
Hampe, Leon
Hands, B.
Hannam, G.
Hansen, Claus
Hansen, Henrik Juul
Hansen, Henry Damsgaard
Harbeck, William H.
Harding, A.
Harknett, Alice
Harmer, Abraham
Harper, John
Harrington, Charles
Harris, C. H.
Harris, C. W.
Harris, E.
Harris, E.
Harris, F.
Harris, Henry Birkhardt
Harris, Walter
Harrison, Norman
Harrison, William
Hart, Benjamin
Hart, Henry
Hart, Thomas
Hartley, Wallace Henry
Harvey, Herbert Gifford
Hasgood, R.
Haslin, J.
Hassan, M. Houssein
Hatch, H.
Hawkesworth, John
Hawksworth, W.
Hays, Charles Melville
Hayter, Arthur
Head, A.
Head, Christopher
Hegarty, Nora
Heinen, J.
Heininen, Wendla Maria
Hemming, Nora
Hendekovic, Ignaz
Hendy, Edward Martin
Henery, Delia
Henriksson, Jenny Lovisa
Hensford, J.
Herman, Samuel
Hesketh, James H.
Hewett, T.
Hickman, Leonard Mark
Hickman, Lewis
Hickman, Stanley George
Hill, H. P.,
Hill, J.
Hill, J.
Hilliard, Herbert Henry
Hiltunen, Marta
Hinckley, G.
Hine, W.
Hinton, W.
Hipkins, William Edward
Hiscock, S.
Hoare, Leonard James
Hocking, George
Hocking, Samuel James
Hodge, Charles
Hodges, Henry Price
Hodges, W.
Hodgkinson Leonard
Hogg, Charles William
Hogue, E.
Hold, Stephen
Holland, T.
Holloway, Sidney
Holm, John Frederik Alexander
Holman, Harry
Holthen, Johan Martin
Holverson, Alexander Oskar
Hood, Ambrose, Jr
Hopkins, F.
Horgan, John
Hosgood, R.
Hosking. George Fox
House, William
Howard, Benjamin
Howard, Ellen Truelove
Howell, A.
Hoyt, William Fisher
Hughes, W. T.
Humblen, Adolf Mathias Nicolai Olsen
Humby, F.
Hume, John Law
Humphreys, Toms H.
Hunt, George Henry
Hunt, T.
Hurst, Charles John
Hutchinson, J.
Hutchinson, John Hall
Ide, H.
Ilieff, Ylio
Ilmakangas, Ida Livija
Ilmakangas, Pieta Sofia
Ingram, C.
Ingrouville, H.
Ings, W.
Instance, T.
Isham, Anne Elizabeth
Ivanoff, Konio
Jackson, H.
Jacobsohn, Sidney Samuel
Jacobson, John
Jago, J.
Jaillet, H.
James, Thos
Janaway, William Frank
Janin, Claude Marie
Jardin, Jose Netto
Jarvis, John Denzil
Jarvis, W.
Jeffery, William Alfred
Jefferys, Clifford
Jefferys, Ernest
Jenkin, Stephen Curnow
Jenner, Harry
Jensen, Charles Valdemar
Jensen, Hans Peder
Jensen, Niels Peder
Jensen, Svend Lauritz
Joas, N.
Johanson, Jakob Alfred
Johansson, Erik
Johansson, Gustaf Joel
Johansson, Karl Johan
Johansson, Nils
Johnson, Alfred
Johnson, H.
Johnson, Malkolm Joackim
Johnson, William Cahoone Jr.
Johnston, Andrew G.
Johnston, Andrew G.
Johnston, Catherine H.
Johnston, William A.
Jones, A. E.
Jones, Albert
Jones, Charles Cresson
Jones, H.
Jones, Reginald V.
Jonkoff, Lazor
Jönsson, Nils Hilding
Jouanmault, G.
Jukes, J.
Julian, Henry Forbes
Jupe, Herbert
Jussila, Aina Maria
Jussila, Katriina
Kallio, Nikolai Erland
Kalvik, Johannes Halvorsen
Kantor, Sinai
Karajic, Milan
Karlsson, Julius Konrad Eugen
Karlsson, Nils August
Karnes, Claire Bennett
Kassem, Fared
Keane, Andrew
Keane, Daniel
Kearl, C.
Kearl, G.
Keefe, Arthur
Keegan, James "Jas"
Keeping, Edwin
Kekic, Tido
Kelland, T.
Kelly, James
Kelly, James
Kelly, Jas
Kelly, William
Kemp, Thomas Hulman
Kenchenten, Fredrick
Kennell, C.
Kent, Edward Austin
Kenyon, Frederick R.
Kenzler, August
Kerley, W. T.
Kerr, T.
Ketchley, H.
Khalil, Betros
Khalil, Saad
Khalil, Zahie
Kieran, Michael
Kiernan, James W.
Kiernan, John
Kiernan, Philip
Kilgannon, Thomas
King, A.
King, Ernest Waldron
King, Thomas W.
Kingscote, William Ford
Kink, Maria
Kink, Vincenz
Kinsella, L.
Kirkham, J.
Kirkland, Charles Leonard
Kitching, A.
Klaber, Herman
Klasén, Gertrud Emilia
Klasén, Hulda Kristina
Klasén, Klas Albin
Klein, H.
Knight, L. G.
Knight, Robert
Kraeff, Theodor
Krins, Georges
Kvillner, Johan Henrik Johannesson
Lacey, W.
Lahowd, Sarkis
Lahtinen, Anna Sylvan
Lahtinen, William
Lahy, T. E.
Laitinen, Kristina Sofia
Lake, William
Laleff, Kristo
Lam, Len
Lamb, John James
Lane, A. E.
Lane, Patrick
LaRoche, Joseph LeMercier
Larsson, August Viktor
Larsson, Bengt Edvin
Larsson-Rondberg, Edvard
Latimer, Andrew
Lawrence, A.
Leader, A.
Lee, H.
Lefebre, Henry
Lefebre, Ida
Lefebre, Jeannie
Lefebre, Mathilde
Lefever, G.
Leinonen, Antti Gustaf
Lemberopolous, Peter L.
Lemom, Denis
Lemon, Mary
Leonard, Lionel
Leonard, M.
Lester, James
Levett, G.
Levy, Rene Jacques
Lewy, Ervin G.
Leyson, Robert William Norman
Light, C.
Light, C.
Light, W.
Lindahl, Agda V.
Lindblom, Augusta Charlotta
Lindeberg-Lind, Erik Gustaf
Lindell, Edvard Bengtsson
Lindell, Elin Gerda
Linehan, Michael
Ling, Lee
Lingane, John
Lithman, Simon
Lloyd, Humphrey
Lloyd, W.
Lobb, Cordelia Stanlicke
Lobb, William Arthur
Locke, A.
Lockyer, Edward
Long, F.
Long, Milton Clyde
Long, W.
Longmiur, J.
Loring, Joseph Holland
Louch, Charles Alexander
Lovell, J.
Lovell, John Hall
Lundahl, Johan
Lydiatt, Charles
Lyntakoff, Stanko
Lyons, William Henry
Mabey, J.
Mack, Mary
MacKay, George William
Mackie, G. W.
Mackie, W.D.
Mäenpää, Matti Alexanteri
Maguire, John Edward
Mahon, Delia
Maisner, Simon
Major, E.
Mäkinen, Kalle Edvard
Malachard, Noel
Mallet, Albert
Mangan, Mary
Mangiavacchi, Serafino Emilio
Mansour, Hanna
Mantle, R.
March, John Starr
Mardirosian, Sarkis
Marinko, Dmitri
Markim, Johann
Markoff, Marin
Marks, J.
Marrett, G.
Marriott, J. W.
Marsh, F.
Marvin, Daniel Warner
Maskell, L.
Mason, J.
Matherson, David
Mathias, Montague Vincent
Matinoff, Nicola
Matthews, William John
Mattman, Adolf
Maxwell, John
May, Arthur
May, Arthur William
Maybery, Frank H.
Mayo, W.
Maytum, Alfred
McAndrew, Thos
McAndrews, W.
McCaffry, Thomas Francis
McCarthy, Timothy J.
McCarty, F.
McCastlen, W.
McCawley, T. W.
McCrae, Arthur Gordon
McCrie, James Matthew
McElroy, Hugh Walter
McElroy, Michael
McGarvey, E.
McGaw, E.
McGrady, James
McGregor, J.
McInerney, T.
McKane, Peter D.
McMahon, Martin
McMullen, J.
McMurray, W.
McNamee, Eileen O’Leary
McNamee, Neal
McQuillan, William
McRae, William
McReynolds, W.
Meanwell, Marion Ogden
Mechen, John
Meek, Annie Louise Rowley
Melkebuk, Philemon
Mellor, A.
Meo, Alfonso
Meyer, August
Meyer, Edgar Joseph
Middleton, Alfred Pirrie
Middleton, M. V.
Mihoff, Stoytcho
Miles, Frank
Milford, George
Millar, Robert
Millar, Thomas
Millet, Francis Davis
Milling, Jacob Christian
Minahan, William Edward
Mineff, Ivan
Minkoff, Lazar
Mintram, W.
Mirko, Dika
Mishellany, A.
Mitchell, Henry Michael
Mitchell, Laurance
Mitkoff, Mito
Moen, Sigurd Hansen
Molson, Harry Markland
Monoros, J.
Monteverdi, J.
Montvila, Juozas (Joseph)
Moody, James Paul
Moore, A. E.
Moore, Clarence Bloomfield
Moore, Leonard Charles
Moore, R.
Moores, R.
Moran, Daniel J.
Moran, James
Moraweck, Ernest
Morgan, T.
Morgan, W.
Morley, Henry Samuel
Morley, William
Morrell, R.
Morris, A.
Morris, W.
Morrow, Thomas Rowan
Moss, William
Moutal, Rahamin
Moyes, William Young
Mudd, Thomas C.
Mullen, Thomas A.
Müller, L.
Murdlin, Joseph
Murdoch, William McMaster
Myhrman, Pehr Fabian Oliver Malkolm
Myles, Thomas Francis
Nahill, Toufik
Naidenoff, Penko
Nancarrow, William Henry
Nankoff, Minko
Nannini, F.
Nasr, Mustafa
Nasser (Nasrallah), Nicholas
Nassr, Saade Jean
Natsch, Charles H.
Naughton, Hannah
Navratil, Michel
Nemaugh, Robert
Nenkoff, Christo
Nesson, Israel
Nettleton, G.
Newell, Arthur Webster
Newman, Charles Thomas
Nicholls, Joseph Charles
Nicholls, T.
Nichols, A. D.
Nichols, Alfred
Nicholson, Arthur Ernest
Nieminen, Manta Josefina
Niklasson, Samuel
Nilsson, August Ferdinand
Nirva, Iisakki, Äijö
Noon, John
Norman, Robert Douglas
Norris, J.
Noss, Bertram Arthur
Nosworthy, Richard Cater
Novel, Mansouer
Nysveen, Johan H.
O'Brien, Denis
O'Brien, Thomas
O'Connell, Patrick D.
O'Connor, Maurice
O'Connor, Patrick
O'Connor, Thomas Peter
Ödahl, Nils Martin
Olive, C.
Olive, Ernest R.
O'Loughlin, William Francis Norman
Olsen, Charlie (Carl)
Olsen, Henry Margido
Olsen, Ole M.
Olsson, Elida
Olsson, Nils Johan
O'Neill, Bridget
Oreskovic, Jeko
Oreskovic, Luka
Oreskovic, Marija
Orpet, Walter Hayward
Orr, J.
Osborne, W.
Osén, Olof Elon
Østby, Engelhart Cornelius
O'Sullivan, Bridget
Otter, Richard
Ovies y Rodriguez, Servando
Owen, L.
Pacey, R. J.
Pacherat, J.
Paice, Richard Charles John
Pain, Alfred
Painter, Charles
Painter, Frank
Paintin, James Arthur
Palles, T.
Pålsson, Alma Cornelia Berglund
Pålsson, Gösta Leonard
Pålsson, Paul Folke
Pålsson, Stina Viola
Pålsson, Torborg Danira
Pand, G.
Panula, Eino Viljami
Panula, Ernesti Arvid
Panula, Jaako Arnold
Panula, Juha Niilo
Panula, Maria Emilia Ojala
Panula, Urho Abraham
Parker, Clifford R.
Parkes, Francis "Frank"
Parr, William Henry Marsh
Parsons, E.
Parsons, Frank Alfred
Parsons, R.
Partner, Austin
Pasic, Jakob
Patchett, George
Paulner, Uscher
Pavlovic, Stefo
Payne, Vivian Arthur Ponsonby
Peacock, Alfred Edward
Peacock, Mrs Benjamin
Peacock, Treasteall
Pearce, A. E.
Pearce, Ernest
Pears, Thomas
Pecruic, Mate
Pecruic, Tome
Pedersen, Olaf
Pedrini, Alex
Peduzzi, Joseph
Pekoniemi, Edvard
Peltomäki, Nikolai Johannes
Penasco y Castellana, Victor de Satode
Pengelly, Frederick
Pennell, F.
Penny, W. C.
Penrose, J.
Perkin, John Henry
Perkins, L.
Pernot, Rene
Perotti, Alfonsi
Perrin, W. C.
Perriton, Hubert Prouse
Perry, H.
Peruschitz, Joseph M.
Peters, Katie
Petersen, Marius
Petrachio, A.
Petrachio, S.
Petranec, Matilda
Petroff, Nedeca
Petroff, Pentcho
Petterson, Johan Emil
Pettersson, Ellen Natalia
Petty, Edwin Henry
Phillips, G.
Phillips, John George
Phillips, Robert
Phillips, Walter John
Piatti, L.
Piazza, P.
Pitfield, W.
Platt, W.
Plotcharsky, Vasil
Poggi, E.
Ponesell, Martin
Pook, P.
Porter, Walter Chamberlain
Preston, Thomas
Price, Ernest
Prideaux, J. A.
Proctor, Charles
Proudfoot, R.
Pryce, W.
Pugh, Percy
Pulbaum, Frank
Pusey, John E.
Radeff, Alexander
Raibid, Razi
Randall, F. H.
Ranson, James "Jas"
Rattenbury, William Henry
Ratti, E.
Read, J.
Reed, Charles
Reed, James George
Reed, R.
Reeves, David
Reeves, F.
Reghini, Sante

Renouf, Peter Henry
Reuchlin, Jonkheer John George
Revell, William
Reynolds, Harold
Ricaldone, Rinaldo
Rice, Albert
Rice, Arthur
Rice, Eric
Rice, Eugene
Rice, George
Rice, John Reginald
Rice, Margaret Norton
Rice, P.
Richard, Emil
Richards, Joseph James
Rickman, G.
Ricks, Cyril G.
Ridout, W.
Rigozzi, A.
Riihivuori, Susanna "Sanni"
Rimmer, Gilbert
Ringhini, Sante
Rintamäki, Matti
Risien, Emma
Risien, Samuel
Robbins, Victor
Roberton, G. E.
Roberts, F.
Roberts, G.
Roberts, H.
Robins, Alexander A.
Robins, Charity Laury
Robinson, James William
Roebling, Washington Augustus II
Rogers, Edward James William
Rogers, Harry
Rogers, M.
Rogers, William John
Rommetvedt, Karl Kristian Knut
Rood, Hugh R.
Rosblom, Helena Wilhelmina
Rosblom, Salli Helena
Rosblom, Viktor Richard
Rosenshine, George
Ross, John Hugo
Rothschild, Martin
Rotto, Angelo
Rous, Arthur J.
Rouse, Richard Henry
Rousseau, P.
Rowe, Alfred G.
Rowe, M.
Rudd, Henry
Rush, Alfred George John
Russell, Richard
Ryan, Patrick
Ryan, T.
Ryerson, Arthur Larned
Saad, Amin
Saad, Khalil
Sacaggi, G.
Sadlier, Matthew
Sadowitz, Harry
Sæther, Simon Sivertsen
Sage, Ada
Sage, Annie
Sage, Constance
Sage, Dorothy
Sage, Douglas
Sage, Frederick
Sage, George
Sage, John
Sage, Stella
Sage, Thomas
Sage, William
Salander, Karl Johan
Salonen, Johan Werner
Salussolia, Giovenz
Samaan, Elias
Samaan, Hanna
Samaan, Youssef
Samuel, O. W.
Sangster, Charles
Saundercock, William Henry
Saunders, D. E
Saunders, T.
Saunders, W.
Saunders, W.
Sawyer, Frederick
Sawyer, R. J.
Scanlan, James
Scavino, C.
Scott, Archibald
Scott, Mr
Scovell, R.
Sdycoff, Todor
Sedgwick, Charles Frederick Waddington
Self, A.
Seman, Betros
Serota, Maurice
Sesea, Gino
Sevier, W.
Sharp, Percival
Shaughnesay, Patrick
Shaw, H.
Shea, John
Shea, Thomas
Shedid (Sitik), Daher (Docart)
Shellard, Frederick B.
Shepherd, Jonathan
Shilabeer, Charles
Shorney, Charles
Siebert, Sidney Conrad
Silvey, William Baird
Simmons, F. G.
Simmons, John
Simmons, W.
Simpson, John Edward
Sirayanian, Arsun
Sivic, Husen
Sivola, Antti
Sjöstedt, Ernst Adolf
Skeats, W.
Skinner, Edward
Skinner, Henry John
Skoog, Anna Bernhardina Karlsson
Skoog, Harald
Skoog, Karl
Skoog, Mabel
Skoog, Margit
Skoog, William
Slabenoff, Petco
Slemen, Richard James
Slight, H. J.
Slight, W.
Sloan, Peter
Slocovski, Selman
Small, William
Smart, John Montgomery
Smiljanovic, Mile
Smillie, J.
Smith (Schmidt), Augustus
Smith, C.
Smith, Charles Edwin
Smith, Edward John
Smith, Ernest George
Smith, F.
Smith, J.
Smith, James Clinch
Smith, James M.
Smith, John Richard Jago
Smith, Lucien Philip
Smith, Mr
Smith, R. G.
Smith, Richard William
Smith, William
Smither, H.
Snape, Lucy Violet Lennard
Snellgrove, G.
Snooks, W.
Sobey, Hayden
Søholt, Peter Andreas Lauritz Andersen
Solvang, Lena Jacobsen
Somerton, Francis William
Spector, Woolf
Spencer, William Augustus
Stafford, M.
Stagg, John Henry
Stanbrook, Augustus
Staneff, Ivan
Stankovic, Jovan
Stanley, Edward Roland
Stanton, Samuel Ward
Stead, William Thomas
Stebbing, S.
Steel, Robert Edward
Stewart, Albert A.
Stocker, H.
Stokes, Philip Joseph
Stone, E.
Stone, Edward Thomas
Storey, Thomas
Stoyehoff, Ilia
Strandberg, Ida Sofia
Straus, Ida Blun
Straus, Isidor
Strilic, Ivan
Ström, Elna Matilda Persson
Ström, Telma (Selma) Matilda
Stroud, E. A. O.
Stroud, H.
Strugnell, John "Jno"
Stubbings, H.
Stubbs, H.
Sullivan, S.
Sutehall,Henry, Jr
Sutton, Frederick
Svensson, Johan
Svensson, Olof
Swan, W.
Swane, George
Sweet, George
Symonds, J.
Talbot, George Fredrick Charles
Tamlyn, Fredrick
Tannous, Thomas
Taussig, Emil
Taylor, C.
Taylor, C.
Taylor, J.
Taylor, L.
Taylor, Percy Cornelius
Taylor, T.
Taylor, W.
Terrell, Bertram
Testoni, Ercole
Teuton, Thomas M.
Thayer, John Borland
Thayler, M.
Theobald, Thomas Leonard
Thomas, Charles
Thomas, J.
Thomas, John
Thomas, John, Jr
Thompson, H.
Thomson, Alexander
Thorley, W.
Thorneycroft, Percival
Tietz, C.
Tikkanen, Juho
Tizard, Arthur
Tobin, Roger
Todoroff, Lalio
Toerber, Ernest William
Tomlin, Ernest Portage
Topp, T.
Torfa, Assad
Toshack, James Adamson
Tozer, James
Troupiansky, Moses Aaron
Tucker, B.
Turcin, Stefan
Turley, R.
Turner, George Frederick
Turner, L.
Turpin, Dorothy Ann Wonnacottt
Turpin, William John
Turvey, Charles
Urbini, Robert
Uruchurtu, Manuel E.
Uzelas, Joso
Valassori, Ettera
Van Billiard, Austin Blyler
Van Billiard, James William
Van Billiard, Walter John
Van de Velde, John Joseph
van der Brugge, Wessel Adrianus
Van der Planke, Augusta
Van der Planke, Emilie
Van der Planke, Jules
Van der Planke, Leon
Van der Steen, Leo Peter
Van Derhoef, Wyckoff
Van Impe, Catharine
Van Impe, Jean Baptiste
Van Impe, Rosalie Govaert
Vandewalle, Nestor Cyriel
Vassilios, Catavelas
Veal, A.
Veal, T.
Veale, James
Vear, H.
Vear, W.
Vendel, Olof Wdvin
Vereruysse, Victor
Veström, Hulda Amanda Adolfina
Vicat, J.
Vilvarlarge, P.
Vine, H.
Vioni, R.
Voegelin, Hans (Johannes)
Vonk, Jenko
Waelens, Achille
Wake, S.
Walker, William Anderson
Wallis, Mrs. W.
Walpole, John
Walsh, Katherine
Ward, Arthur
Ward, E.
Ward, J.
Ward, P.
Wardner, Fred
Ware, Frederick
Ware, John James
Ware, William J.
Wareham, Robert Arthur
Warren, Charles William
Warren, Frank Manley
Warwick, F.
Wateridge, Edward Lewis
Watson, Ennis Hastings
Watson, W.
Watson, W.
Wazli, Yousif
Weatherstone, Thomas
Webb, Brooke
Webb, S.
Webber, Francis Albert
Webber, James
Weir, John
Weisz, Leopold
Welch, W. H.
Wenzel, Linhart
West, Edwy Arthur
Wheadon, Edward
Wheeler, Edwin
White, A.
White, J.
White, L.
White, Percival Wayland
White, Richard Frasar
White, William George
Whitford, A. H.
Wick, George Dennick
Widegren, Charles Peter
Widener, George Dunton
Widener, Harry Elkins
Wiklund, Jakob Alfred
Wiklund, Karl Johan
Wilde, Henry Tingle
Willer, Aaron
Willey, Edward
Williams, A.
Williams, Charles Duane
Williams, E.
Williams, Fletcher Lambert
Williams, Howard Hugh
Williams, Leslie
Williamson, James Bertram
Willis, W.
Wilson, Bertie
Wilton, William
Wiltshire, W.
Windeløv, Einar
Wirz, Albert
Wiseman, Phillippe
Witcher, A.
Witt, F.
Witt, Henry
Wittevrongel, Camiel
Wittman, H.
Wood, J. T.
Woodford, H.
Woods, H.
Woodward, John Wesley
Woody, Mr Oscar Scott
Wormald, Frederick William
Wrapson, Frederick Bernard
Wright, Fredrick
Wright, George
Wyeth, James
Yasbeck, Antoni
Young, Francis James
Youseff, Gerious
Yrois, Henriette
Zabour, Hileni
Zabour, Tamini
Zakarian, Artun
Zakarian, Maprieder
Zarracchi, L.
Zievens, Rene
Zimmerman, Leo

Some of these brave men and women died innocently and others died so that others might live.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Cunard vs. White Star Line

For years, the Cunard and White Star line have gone head-to-head. The Cunard Line was started by Samuel Cunard and after his first ship, he built more and more putting others out of business. The White Star Line was started by Pinkerton and Trelfall and the company was given to many other business-men including J.P. Morgan. The two companies were trying to make their ships bigger, faster, and more luxurious ships. At one point, Cunard built the Lusitania and Maurentania which became the fastest (setting a record time across the Atlantic Ocean), largest, and most luxurious ships ever. That fame and glory lasted only two years when the White Star Line built three ships far bigger and more luxurious than the Lusitania and Maurentania. The three ship's names were the Olympic, TITANIC, and Gigantic. The Olympic was built and became world-famous. The TITANIC was built but as you know, she sank on her maiden voyage. The White Star Line renamed it's final sister Britannic. The Britannic was being constructed and the paneling was just beginning to be installed when his majesty's royal navy pressed the ship into military service. The Britannic was made a hospital ship. On it's 6th voyage, the Britannic struck a mine and sank. The White Star Line lost it's credibility and soon, the Cunard Line won. The White Star Line became Cunard-White Star Line. The Olympic remained in the fleet and was retired and scrapped. The Cunard-White Star Line went out of business and later, Cunard was bought out by the Carnival Line which currently owns all of the ship companies. There remains today, one White Star Line ship as far as we know.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mrs. Churchill Candee

Helen Churchill Candee was born on October 5, 1858 in New York City. She had many private educations while living in New Haven, CT. Helen married Edward Candee and together, they had one daughter named Edith and one son named Harold. She became known as a women's sufferagette advocate by 1894. But the marriage was short lived because she divorced in 1895 because Edward was abusive to his family and soon left never to return. She got jobs as a magazine writer for those such as Scribner and the Women's Home Journal. Helen wrote many books such as "Susan Truslow" (1900), "How Women May Earn a Living" (1900) (Her best-seller), "An Oklahoma Romance" (1901), "Decorative Styles and Periods" (1906), "The Tapestry Book" (1912), "Angkor the Magnificent" (1924), "New Journeys in Old Asia" (1927), and Weaves and Draperies" (1931).

She moved to Washington D.C. where she became an interior decorator and two of her clients were Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Smitson! Helen was very social and one of her many friends were William Jennings Bryan. She decided to take a vacation to Europe but got a telegram from Edith that Harold had been injured in an automobile accident. Helen immediately booked passage on the TITANIC which was the first ship available. Helen came aboard the TITANIC in Cherbourg in 1st class. While on board, Helen socialized a lot with famed artist Francis Millet and President Taft's military aid Archibald Butt. When the TITANIC struck an iceberg, she was asleep and was woken up by her steward/stewardess and she was told to get dressed, her life-belt on, and go up to the Boat-Deck. She gave her friend Edward Kent a cameo that she was bringing for safe-keeping while she was in the Boat No. 6. While entering the boat, she fractured her ankle. After the TITANIC sank, Edward Kent's body was found and the cameo was returned to Helen. She later gave an account to the Washington Herald.

Her books became more and more famous and soon, she became a part of the India Society in London and Les Amis de l'Orient of Paris. Helen later volunteered in WWI as a nurse and was stationed in Rome and Milan, Italy. She traveled in later years to Indonesia, Japan, China, and Cambodia and was a writer for National Geographic. Helen Candee died in Maine on August 23, 1949.

Herbert Pitman

Read Herbert Pitman's testimony to the British Inquiry HERE.

Herbert John Pitman was born on November 20, 1877 in Somerset, England. His father was a farmer but died when he was only three leaving Herbert, his mother, his siblings, and a 112 acre farm to care for. In 1881, he was living with his older sister of whom was recently widowed. When Herbert was 18, he went to sea in the merchant's navy. He mastered in navigation in technical college during a shore part. After 4 years of training, he spent 6 1/2 years as a deck officer. Then, he joined the White Star Line where he was 4, 3, and 2 officer on the Dolphin and Majestic and 4 officer on the Oceanic. Then, he was transferred to the TITANIC as third officer.

There, he would assist the officers in their duties, stand at the stern bridge, or stand at the compass tower making sure that the ship was on course. When the TITANIC struck an iceberg, he was getting dressed for his watch on the bridge when 4 officer Boxhall came and told him that the ship had struck an iceberg. He went to investigate where he found chunks of ice and explored the forcastle deck but found no damage so he went to the bridge. He was then ordered to uncover and lower the boats. He waited for Captain Smith to give the orders to load and lower Boat No. 5. J. Bruce Ismay came up and insisted that they load and lower the boats. Herbert didn't know him so he said "Just awaiting order from the commander sir." Then, it dawned on him that this might be Mr. Ismay due to descriptions given to him. He went to the captain and Captain Smith said "Carry on." While loading the boat, Ismay encouraged those who wanted to stay, to get into a lifeboat. Just before lowering Boat No. 5, 1st officer Murdoch ordered Pitman to take charge of the boat. Just before entering, Murdoch shook his hand and said "Good bye; Good luck." Murdoch ordered Pitman to stand by for passengers to enter through the gang-way doors but it wouldn't open so he had to continue down. As the boat continued down, Ismay tried to take charge of the lowering but 4th officer Lowe would hear none of it and embarrassed Ismay in front of the passengers. When the lifeboat was 400 yards away, he realized that the ship was going to founder. When the TITANIC had slipped beneath the waves, he looked at his watch and announced that it was 2:20 A.M. There was the screams of the passengers and Pitman wanted to go back for those in the water but those in the boat was almost in a mob when they found out his intentions so he decided not to. That decision would later haunt him. Later, Boat Nos. 5 and 7 lashed each-other together. He was rescued by the Carpathia and was brought to New York. There, he testified all that he knew to the U.S. inquiry and did the same to the British inquiry in which he was asked 393 questions when he got back to the U.K. In both, he testified that the ship did not break in two.

He was sent to the Oceanic again and then to the Olympic. However, due to a decline in eyesight, he was moved to Purser on the Olympic. He married in the 1920s. He also served during WWII as purser on the S.S. Mataroa. He retired in 1946 after 60 years at sea. Herbert Pitman died on December 7, 1961 because of a subarachnoid hemorrhage at the age of 84. He now rests in the vault of a Parish church in Somerset.

James Moody

James Paul Moody was born on August 21, 1887 in Yorkshire, England. The Moody famly was well-known in their town seeing as James' grand-father was the town clerk and his father was on the town council. He started his sea career like all other officers and sea-men. As an apprentice. He was on the H.M.S. Conway and attended the nautical Birkenhead training school.

Moody joined the White Star Line in 1911 and his first ship was the R.M.S. Oceanic (Charles Lightoller was aboard the Oceanic also. His residence was in Grimsby, Lincolnshire. He was staying with an uncle and his family was known there too because one of his ancestors was the town's first coroner. At the age of 24 in 1912, he was transferred to the TITANIC where he became 6th officer. He was paid $36 a month and was given his own cabin as compensation. During the voyage, Moody would assist all the other officers with any needed help and add to the ship's log. His service time was 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and was on bridge duty from 4-5:00. On the night of April 14, 1912, the ship was headed SW and it was around 11:20 when the lookout Fredrick Fleet had rung the bell three times and the phone was ringing. 1st officer Murdoch and 6th officer Moody were on bridge duty. Moody answered the phone and said "What do you see?" Fleet replied "iceberg dead ahead sir!" Moody relayed the message to Murdoch and he gave the necessary orders. It was too late however and the ship struck the iceberg. After the inspections were made and the doom of the ship was proven inevitable, Moody assisted Lowe with loading and lowering boats 15 and 14. Violet Jessop was more than likely put into a lifeboat and said this in her memoirs:

"My arm was suddenly jerked, and I turned to see young Mason (who was probably Moody) who had been busy filling a boat. His face looked weary and tired, but he gave a bright smile as he ordered my group into the boat, calling out "Good luck!" as we stepped in, helped by his willing, guiding hand. Before I could do anything, young Mason hailed me and held up something, calling as he prepared to throw it, "Look after this, will you?" I reached out to receive someone's forgotten baby in my arms."

While loading 14, Lowe said that an officer should command this boat and Moody talked Lowe into getting in by saying "You go and I'll get into another one." He then loaded and lowered boat No. 16 with Chief Officer Wilde. He and Wilde maintained order as the passengers began to realize that their fates were sealed. He was last seen getting Collapsible A down off the roof. Moody died on that tragic night and was the only junior officer to do so. His body was never recovered but there is a monument to him in Woodland Cemetery.

Jock Hume

John (Jock)Law Hume (bottom left) was born in Dumfries, England. He had deep blue eyes and blond hair. His father Andrew was an admired violinist and taught Jock at an early age. He loved the violin. Soon, he decided to make a career out of it. He then joined the White Star Line and was given a position on the Olympic. He was later transferred to the TITANIC. His mother begged him not to go on this voyage since he was to be wed in a few weeks. He decided to go on this voyage and then take a few voyages off for wedding and honey-moon purposes. Plus, the money would take care of a few finances. He, his fellow band-members, and the band-master Wallace Hartley would play music in the Lounge, Dining Room (during the dinners), and possibly the Reception Room. When the TITANIC struck an iceberg, Wallace Hartley awoke Jock Hume and the other band-members and they played cheerful music. They played in the Lounge before moving to the Boat-Deck. The band reportedly played rag-times and hymns all the way until the water swept them away. The last hymn was either "Nearer my God to Thee" or "Autumn."
Jock was later recovered and buried in Halifax where he still rests. His father got nothing but the bill for Jock's uniform.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Joseph Boxhall

Joseph Groves Boxhall was born on March 23, 1884 in Hull, Yorkshire. He was the second child of Captain Joseph and Mariam Boxhall. He had three sisters (one of whom died in infancy. His father was a respectable man of the Wilson Line. Boxhall only had only 4 years as apprentice before he was a full fledged sea-man. On June 2, 1899, he was on his first ship for the William Thomas Line. He did quite well and in 1907, he joined the White Star Line. He served on the Oceanic and the Arabic before being transferred to the TITANIC as the fourth officer at the age of 28.

Boxhall assisted in the TITANIC's sea trials of which took place on April 4, 1912. He was considered a junior officer so he assisted passengers and crew when he could and was sometimes even at the wheel. The only officer known to him prior to thw TITANIC was 2nd officer Lightoller from the Oceanic. Boxhall was off-duty when the iceberg struck. He heard the bell from the crow's nest struck three times which means that something is in the way of our course. He got to the Wheelhouse just after the collision and Captain Smith was already there. He ordered Boxhall to take a look at the damage. He found none but while in the Mail-room, he said that he could hear water flooding but couldn't see it so he reported to the Bridge. After that, he went and told Lightoller and 3rd officer Pitman to report to the bridge. Soon, the carpenter and mail-clerk reported flooding. They all now realized that the ship was doomed. Boxhall took charge of the distress rockets and morse lamp signals. He also calculated the ship's position for the wireless telegraph. He was in the chart room when he saw J. Bruce Ismay standing in the door way. Boxhall walked up to him and Ismay asked him why he hadn't gotten into a lifeboat. Boxhall replied by saying that he had not been ordered to enter a lifeboat. Boxhall went to the port side and watched Chief Officer Wilde lowering a boat. Captain Smith came up to him and ordered him to get into the boat. Boxhall stepped in and was put in charge of Boat No. 2 which was only about 2/3 full. He is depicted in the movie as saying "Bloody pull faster and pull!" as the stern rises. Boxhall never saw the TITANIC sink. He wanted to go back and rescue those in the water but he was immediately over-ruled by the 20 passengers in his boat. He later came aboard the rescue ship Carpathia and after being set ashore, was very informational in the U.S. Senate Inquiries and the British Inquiries.

After getting back to England, he was fourth officer on the Adriatic but that was short lived because he joined the Royal Navy Reserves. He was later a sub-lieutenant and was then promoted to Lieutenant after WWI. He married Marjory Beddells in 1919 and unfortunately never had a child. He was later a merchant and then joined the Cunard Line and he rose in rank to Chief Officer but was never captain. He served as Chief Officer on the Berengaria, Auquitania, Ausonia, Scythia, Antonia, and Franconia.

After retiring 1940 after 41 years at sea, he served as technical advisor for the movie A Night to Remember. He also had close friends that were officers aboard the Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. Joseph Boxhall died on April 25, 1967 at the age of 84 on Cebral Thombrosis. Upon his last request, his ashes were scattered over where he calculated the TITANIC was on that fateful night.

R.M.S. TITANIC vs. Titanic Movie

Here are just a few differences between the movie Titanic of 1997 and the real TITANIC:

1. The Grand Staircase:
The movie made the Grand Staircase almost perfectly except for the lower banister which was made bigger. In the real TITANIC, two people could barely go up it side by side. The movie made the dome above it collapse when all of my calculations say that the water met the dome inside at the same time the water met it outside. Plus, I don't think that the windows imploded until the ship reached the bottom.

2. The Dining Room:
The movie made the set smaller than the actual ship. The real TITANIC could support up to 554 passengers in the Dining Room. No glass was broken because when researchers went into the Dining Room, the windows were there in almost perfect condition.

3. Rose/Straus Suite:
In the movie, they added an extra room which contained a safe. In the real TITANIC, the Straus Suite had two bedrooms (like in the movie), a private bathroom, a sitting room (like in the movie), and a privately enclosed 50 foot long promenade deck. Instead of a Pablo Picasso painting, there was a mirror (Pablo was not as popular back then and his work was not widely distributed).

4. Jack Dawson and Rose Bukater
There is a J. Dawson but he was actually named James Dawson and he was a lamp trimmer and stoker. There was no Rose Bukater on the TITANIC.

5. The Heart of the Ocean
There is and was no Heart of the Ocean. There is however a Hope Diamond which looks very similar. It now rests in the Smithsonian and is said to be cursed.

6. The 1st class Smoking Room:
The Smoking Room was almost perfect in the movie except for the fact that the painting in the movie was of the entrance to New York instead of the entrance into Plymouth Harbor.

7. Passengers and Crew's Deaths:
There were many inaccurate deaths in the movie like John Jacob Asto8 of which is seen in the movie as being in the Grand Staircase when it sank but the real Astor was crushed by the forward funnel. The Strauses were depicted comforting each-other in bed as water swirled into their cabin but they actually sat in two deck chairs (Mr. Straus's body was later recovered). 1st officer Murdoch was shown in the movie shooting himself but all who knew him said he didn't and they have only two accounts and they could be of another officer (Murdoch's body was never recovered). It is unknown what happened to Captain Smith. The movie shows him in the bridge until the end and there are some accounts of him going into the bridge. However, some say that they saw Captain Smith in the water with a lifejacket on. It is unknown what also happened to Chief Officer Wilde of whom was depicted in the movie as the one in the water blowing a whistle.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


This Lego Titanic movie is great. It deals with fake people yes but it's great to watch. The movie deals with a character named James who meets a mysterious man and keeps a backpack in his care. He and another character names Alec battle the waters of the sinking ship. I don't like the sets of the Turkish Bath and Grand Staircase, but the rest is great.