Titanic Gazette Souvenir Shop

Titanic Gazette Souvenir Shop

Titanic Gazette Souvenir Shop

Showing posts with label meals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meals. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Make a Titanic Meal 2

Click HERE to learn how to make a Titanic dish (Pea Soup from 2nd Class).

Click HERE to see how to make dessert (Waldorf Pudding) in Make A Titanic Meal

Pea Soup Recipe:

1/2 cup of leeks (sliced and well washed)

Pinch of sugar

2 tbsp of parsley or chevril

1 cup of lettuce (coursely chopped)

2 cups of peas

1 tbsp of butter

Salt and Pepper (to your discretion)

6 cups of chicken stock (or vegetable stock)

Heat sauce pan over medium-high heat and heat butter. Add leeks and sugar and sweat until translucent (which takes approximately 5 minutes). Add salt and pepper (to your discretion). Add letttuce, parsley (or chervil), and lettuce. Stir well, and then add one cup of chicken stock. Put lid on, and let it cook for about 5 minutes. Now add remainder of chicken stock. Puree soup well. Pour soup through fine mesh strainer into a different pot. After strained, you are ready to enjoy.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

3rd class meals

3rd class plate

3rd Class - April 10th, 1912


Quaker Oats and Milk
Smoked Herrings
Beefsteak and Onions
Jacket Patatoes
Fresh Bread and Butter
Marmelade, Swedish Bread
Tea, Coffee


Cheese and Pickles
Fresh Bread and Butter-Dinner-

Rice Soup
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Boiled Patatoes
Cabin Biscuits, Fresh Bread
Peaches and Rice

Dinner: - Every Day - Cabin Biscuits and
Cheese, Gruel and Coffee.
Fresh Fish served as a Substitute for
Salt Fish as opportunity offers.
Kosher Meat supplied and cooked for
Jewish Passengers as desired.
Rhubarb Jam
Currant Buns

2nd Class Menu

Second Class style bowl

2nd Class - April 10th, 1912


Oatmeal Porridge
Rolled Oats
Yarmouth Bloaters
Grilled Mutton Chops and Chips
Broiled Sausage and Bacon
Minced Collops
Irish Stew
Eggs Boiled, Scrambled or Poached
Mashed Patatoes
Hot Milk Rolls
Graham Rolls
Jam, Marmelade
Tea, Coffee, Cocoa


Consomme a la Julienne
Tripe with Calve's Feet
Roast Ribs Beef
Baked, Jacket and Mashed Patatoes

Roast Beef
Roast Pork
Ormskirk Brawn
Corned Beef
Ground Rice Pudding
Small Pastry
Biscuits, Cheese
Dessert, Coffee


Lamb's Head Broth
Fresh Fish
Ragout of Veal
Roast Pork and Apple Sauce
Boiled Patatoes
Sago Pudding
Jam Tart
Small Pastry
Tea, Coffee

What's on the 1st class menu?

1st class plate

1st Class - April 14th, 1912


Baked apples - Fruit - Steamed Prunes
Quaker Oats - Broiled Hominy - Puffed Rice
Freash Herring
Findon Haddock - Smoked Salmon
Grilled Mutton - Kidneys & Bacon
Grilled Ham - Grilled Sausage
Lamb Callops - Vegetable Stew
Fried, Shirred, Poached & Boiled Eggs
Plain & Tomato Omelettes to Order
Sirloin Steak & Mutton Chops to Order
Mashed Saute and Jacket Potatoes
Cold Meat
Vienna and Graham Rolls
Soda & Sultana Scones - Corn Bread
Buckwheat Cakes
Black Current Conserve - Narbonne Honey
Oxford Marmalade


Consomme Fermier - Cockie Leekie
Fillets of Brill
Eggs A l'Araeneuil
Chicken a la Maryland
Corned Beef, Vegetables, Dumplings

Grilled Mutton Chops
Mashed, Fried & Baked Jacket Patatoes
Custard Pudding
Apple Meringue - Pastry

Salmon Mayonnaise - Potted Shrimps
Norwegian Anchovis - Soused Herrings
Plain & Smoked Sardines
Roast Beef
Round of Spiced Beef
Veal & Ham Pie
Virginia & Cumberland Ham
Borogna Sausage - Brawn
Galantine of Chicken
Corned Ox Tongue
Lettuce - Beatroot - Tomatoes

Cheshire, Stilton, Gorgonzola, Edam,
Camenbert, Roquefort, St. Ivel,

Ice draught Munich Lager Beer:
3d. ($0,07) & 6d. ($0,13) a Tankard

(The Last Dinner served aboard the Titanic)

First Course - Hors d'Oeuvre:
Canapés a l' Amiral
Oysters a la Russe

White Bordeaux, White Burgundy or
Chablis (especially with oysters)

Second Course - Soups:
Consommé Olga
Cream of Barley Soup

Madeira or Sherry

Third Course - Fish:
Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce

Dry Rhine or Moselle

Fourth Course - Entrees:
Filet Mignon Lili
Sauté of Chicken Lyonnaise
Vegetable Marrow Farcie

Red Bordeaux

Fifth Course - Removes:
Lamb with Mint Sauce
Calvados-Glazed Roast Duckling
with Apple Sauce
Roast Sirloin of Beef forestiére
Chateau Potatoes
Minted Green Pea Timbales
Creamed Carrots
Boiled Rice
Parmentier and Boiled New Potatoes

Red Burgundy or Beaujolais

Sixth Course - Punch or Sorbet:
Punch Romaine

Seventh Course - Roast:
Roasted Squab on Wilted Cress

Red Burgundy

Eighth Course - Salad:
Cold Asparagus Salad with
Champagne-Saffron Vinaigrette

Ninth Course - Cold Dish:
Páté de Foie Gras

Sauterne or Sweet Rhine Wine

Tenth Course - Sweets:
Waldorf Pudding
Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly
Chocolate Painted Eclairs
with French Vanilla Cream
French Vanilla Ice Cream

Sweet Dessert Wines (Muscatel, Tokay, Sauterne)

Eleventh Course - Dessert:
Assorted Fresh Fruits and cheeses

Sweet Dessert Wines, Champagne, or Sparkling Wine

After Dinner:
Coffee, cigars

Port or Cordials