Titanic Gazette Souvenir Shop

Titanic Gazette Souvenir Shop

Titanic Gazette Souvenir Shop

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Squash Court

The Squash Court was for 1st class only as was much of the ship. Squash is actually like tennis except it happens in a rectangular room with no-one else in it except for the two players and it only goes up to 9 points according to the rules. It costed two shillings/$10 to play. Jack Thayer remembered playing it. Also, Archibald Gracie when he realized he needed to get in shape. R. Norris Williams a world famous tennis player probably played as well. It was one of the first rooms flooded so it probably just filled up not causing any panic, alarm, nor did they suspect that the ship was sinking because no-one was there due to it being locked. It remains in the wreck today unseen in over 96 years.

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