John (Jock)Law Hume (bottom left) was born in Dumfries, England. He had deep blue eyes and blond hair. His father Andrew was an admired violinist and taught Jock at an early age. He loved the violin. Soon, he decided to make a career out of it. He then joined the White Star Line and was given a position on the Olympic. He was later transferred to the TITANIC. His mother begged him not to go on this voyage since he was to be wed in a few weeks. He decided to go on this voyage and then take a few voyages off for wedding and honey-moon purposes. Plus, the money would take care of a few finances. He, his fellow band-members, and the band-master Wallace Hartley would play music in the Lounge, Dining Room (during the dinners), and possibly the Reception Room. When the TITANIC struck an iceberg, Wallace Hartley awoke Jock Hume and the other band-members and they played cheerful music. They played in the Lounge before moving to the Boat-Deck. The band reportedly played rag-times and hymns all the way until the water swept them away. The last hymn was either "Nearer my God to Thee" or "Autumn."
Jock was later recovered and buried in Halifax where he still rests. His father got nothing but the bill for Jock's uniform.
Are you a citeable source?
It depends on what you mean by it.
Dumfries is in Scotland not England.
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